
“I Already Organized It At Home So I Would Be Ready For Tutoring!”

School on Wheels of Massachusetts focuses our efforts on assisting students with their educational needs, in order to help our students stay on track in school. For some students though, in order to stay on track in school, they need more than assistance with math and reading. Some students lack fundamental life skills, such as organizational skills, which can be just as essential for success for particular kids. Luckily, our students that lack these skills are able to learn them through the caring adult that works with them week after week.

By learning to be organized, students are able to find their homework that is due for that day and pass it in in a timely manner, or locate the directions for their projects so that they can complete it the way the teacher has requested. Every week, SOWMA tutoring sessions begin by the student pulling out the contents of their backpack, and with their tutor, placing the items in the appropriate areas so that the student is able to locate them when needed. Creating this structure for children who are impacted by homelessness, increases predictability and peace for children while they are in the midst of homelessness.

For the past few months I have had the pleasure of working with a first grade girl, Alanna, at one of our sites. Every Tuesday afternoon Alanna and I empty the contents of her backpack and begin to organize the items into their appropriate places. A few weeks ago I asked Alanna to take out her backpack so we could begin to organize. She replied with “I already organized it! I did it at home so I would be ready for tutoring!” Since that day Alanna has rushed into tutoring and proudly announced that her backpack was organized. She has even asked me to bring her new colored folders so she can further organize her papers. Through School on Wheels, students are able to learn fundamental life skills that they may not learn otherwise. Through these life skills, academic resources, and the caring adult that works with them week after week our students are able to reach their full potential!